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How to Kickstart Your Life Transformation

August 21, 2023 | Britnie Turner

It’s possible to achieve lasting life transformation when you adopt the right mindset, define your vision, and start to implement small changes. It’s often helpful to begin by reading self-development books and making a list of habits and behaviors that are holding you back. From there, all you need is the willingness and commitment to change and a plan to help you get to where you want to be. Once you understand the steps to true life transformation, you will be one step closer to living a more fulfilling, successful, and purposeful life.

Step 1: Understand the Stages of Transformation

It’s important to understand the stages of transformation so you know what to expect once you begin the journey. The journey to positive change isn’t always linear and it’s important to expect challenges and setbacks. While the stages of self-improvement may vary from person to person, the journey often looks something like this:

  • Awareness: You become aware that a problem exists.
  • Expression: You either struggle with or acknowledge this fact.
  • Compassion: You grieve the problem while allowing for self-compassion and forgiveness.
  • Planning: You make an actionable plan to change destructive or unhealthy behaviors and establish habits and plans that will help you succeed.
  • Action: You commit to a new set of healthy behaviors and gradually incorporate them into your everyday life.
  • Relapse and perseverance: You experience setbacks and relapses, and persevere in making the life changes you want to see. With each successive cycle of planning, action, and relapse, you become stronger and better able to maintain the change.

Depending on the factors that are currently holding you back, unlocking your true potential may require you to be vulnerable and dive deep into self-reflection. To keep yourself motivated, it’s essential to define your vision and ensure that you have the support you need. 

Step 2: Define Your Vision 

The vision for your life is what defines not only your long-term plans, but also your short-term actions. By becoming crystal clear on the vision for your life, you can create the 5-year, 1-year, and 90 day plan—just as you would for your business, but for your life. Based on what you decide on for the 90-day plan, you will know what actions you need to START and STOP doing in order to achieve the long-term vision.

How to Define Your Vision

How do you define your vision clearly and concisely? Write your Eulogy. Your Eulogy is the story of your life, and what you want to be read about you when you die. When you write your Eulogy, you will gain extreme clarity on everything you want to accomplish with your one chance on Earth. That will then dictate your daily actions. 

Step 3: Find Support

Before embarking on a life transformation, it’s essential to establish a support system. This could include family or friends who you trust and who support your vision, a professional such as a life coach, or a local or virtual group of like-minded people who want to make a similar change. Finding a healthy environment to support your personal transformation can help to kickstart the process and help you stay the course.

Establish a support system

The following are ways to create a support network for your life transformation journey:

Find an Accountability Buddy

Finding an accountability buddy while going through a big life transformation can provide you with a sense of companionship, encouragement, and motivation. Studies show that social integration is positively associated with health. Your accountability buddy can give you feedback on your progress and provide an outsider’s perspective or help you brainstorm ideas.

Go on a Transformation Retreat

Going on a transformation retreat or taking our 12-week G-FORCE Entrepreneurs course can help you focus on personal growth and intention setting without the distractions of everyday life. Most transformation retreats offer a safe space for self-exploration and deep healing and may also offer wellness activities such as yoga, fitness, and quiet times to journal and meditate. If you can carve some time out of your schedule, going on a retreat is an excellent way to jumpstart a life transformation. 

Transformation Retreat Class

Join a Support Group 

Joining a support group and connecting with others who are on a similar journey can help you process your emotions in a non-judgmental space and gain perspective on your own life. A support group may also offer tools and tips on how to cope when faced with challenging situations. 

Today, support groups are available online as well as in person. Look for relevant groups on social media and forums or ask a therapist or mentor if they know of any support groups or meetups in your area.

Step 4: Take Action 

Once you have a clear vision and a strong support network, it’s time to take action. Taking action is the hardest part of any life transformation because it requires commitment, discipline, and work.

Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated as you start to live out your plan. When you see how far you’ve come, it will become easier to bounce back from setbacks and overcome even greater challenges.

  • Journal about your achievements. Track your progress each day in a journal. When you see that you’re putting your 90-day plan into action, you’ll feel encouraged that you’re getting closer to making your longer-term vision a reality.
  • Check in with your support system. Hold yourself accountable and check in with a friend or family member. Try your best to be transparent about the challenges you are facing and be open to feedback. 
  • Take time for self-care. Make sure you are allowing your body enough time to rest and recover while you implement new activities and habits. This is essential for your physical, mental, and emotional health. It may be helpful to log your sleep either in your journal or a sleep app. 
  • Cheer yourself on when a positive habit forms. If you notice a habit is “sticking,” take note. Generally, it takes a few weeks or months for a new habit to become fully integrated into your daily routine. When this happens, write down an affirmation in your journal. For example, “I am now exercising regularly and am starting to see improvements in my health.”
Stay the Course

Step 5: Stay the Course

The final step to ensuring that your new healthy behaviors and habits are here to stay is to make sure you are committed to your new way of life. Tracking your progress and taking note of positive results along the way will help you stay motivated. These results may be in the form of improvements to your physical or mental health, increased income, stronger relationships, or a project that’s beginning to take shape.

For example:

  • You feel refreshed, rested, and energized when you wake up in the morning.
  • You feel confident when faced with new situations.
  • You feel a sense of belonging in your community.
  • You look in the mirror and feel good about yourself.
  • You have self-compassion during difficult moments.
  • You know how to set boundaries and stick to them.
  • Your self-worth is not dependent on what others think of you.
  • You have strong friendships and/or a strong marriage or relationship.
  • You start to see positive results in your parenting.
  • Your grades improve.
  • You land your dream job.
  • Your dream business or project starts to take shape.

It’s normal to feel very motivated at the start and then experience challenges and setbacks as you progress. Healing takes time and new habits take time to form, so don’t feel discouraged if you experience a relapse or two (…or ten). 

When a relapse or setback happens, remember to be patient with yourself. Write about the setback in your journal and check in with your support team. Most importantly, remember to celebrate even the smallest victories as this will help you keep your eye on the prize and stay committed to long-lasting change.

Life Transformation Case Studies

The Aerial, BVI and our G-FORCE Entrepreneur program were founded by Britnie Turner, an inspiring young woman who experienced her own personal life transformation and was determined to elevate and empower others to do the same. These are just a few of the many testimonials we have received from people whose lives changed as a result of their time on the island.

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs

“Through the course, I was able to find my true purpose and understand why I was put on Earth. Britnie is incredibly knowledgeable and provided me with the tools and guidance I needed to take my life and businesses to the next level.

Overall, I can’t recommend this course enough to anyone looking to take their business and their life to the next level. It has truly been a life-changing experience for me, and I am confident that it will be the same for anyone who takes it.”

  • Andrea, FORCE 2 Member

Others Who Have Stayed at The Aerial, BVI

“Aerial BVI is truly life changing. I left a better and more motivated person. From the breathtaking views and amazing amenities to the incredibly talented staff and rescue animals, Buck Island offers guests a chance to unwind, relax, and most importantly learn to stay present!”

  • Josh Wilson

“Coming here changed the trajectory for our family spiritually, mentally, physically in how we live moving forward.”

  • Ester Eddy

“I was surrounded by inspiring, interesting individuals with so much to say; two or so weeks after leaving the property, I’m still reflecting upon, integrating and implementing the lessons I learned there.”

  • John O’Ceallaigh

“I’m eternally grateful for the love, the compassion, the hospitality, the guidance, the strength, the abundance, and so many other things that have changed my life indefinitely. My heart is more full than it has ever been.”

  • Jen King

“Easily the most impactful week of my life. Not only was the location spectacular but the people there forever changed my mindset in healthy entrepreneurship and an abundance wealth mindset.”

  • Rachel Bieber

“Life changing experience. Everything there enhances your ability to become a better you, so you can impact others.”

  • Christopher Allison

“A truly life changing experience.”

  • Ronan Hanley

Owner and Founder of The Aerial, BVI

Our list of life transformation case studies wouldn’t be complete without hearing from Britnie Turner herself…

“ I went from living in my car, to becoming the largest Real Estate Developer in Nashville, TN, to now owning my own private island resort, and living in my purpose daily.”

  • Britnie Faith Turner

Transform Your Life One Step at A Time

Life transformation happens one step at a time. This means that even a large transformation is possible if you break your long-term goals down into small, actionable steps and conquer them one by one.

Once you’ve identified your vision and what’s holding you back, you can start to take small steps that lead to a series of positive changes. With time, commitment, and effort, an incredible life transformation could be waiting for you right around the corner!